Hello long lost Edit Me friends! Anyone still out there? I sure hope so.
I've given this blog and challenge much thought over the last few months. I have even sought advice from friends in the blogging community about just what to do with this space. Finally, I have reached a decision because I terribly miss this learning forum that was once pretty great here, I am officially bringing The Edit Me Challenge back!
I will probably be tweaking the site a little over the next month or two. For now, it will be just me, Stephanie, with hopefully some guest editors, teachers, and advisers. I hope to make this a place where new photographers can come to learn from those with experience and connect with those who are also just starting out.
There will be some changes, so here's what you can expect:
- Monthly Photo Challenges - On the first Tuesday each month there will be a new challenge posted. The photos you will see will come from photographers/bloggers who already have a pretty good grasp on how to use their camera. This challenge will be about growing your skills in editing. The purpose will be to take a well composed photo (with room for improvement) and making it the best it can be so the client cannot resist. There will be a link up open throughout the month to submit your edit.
- Editing Tutorials - In the weeks in between challenges there will be posts from experienced photographers (hopefully some who've been here and grown) showing you their own tips and tricks to make that finished product their customer cannot refuse!
- Feedback & Features - On the fourth Tuesday of the month some of you will be featured in a feedback and features post. To be featured, you must have linked up to the challenge and share some tips and tricks about how you edited the photo! I will ask other photographers to anonymously critique the chosen edits and possible offer some tips on how to make it even better OR maybe just an easier way to get the same effect.
- Sponsorship - For now, we won't have any prizes or winners, I will be working on a new featured button for you to grab. Also, Edit Me will be accepting sponsorship and ad swapping beginning in May. I am looking for sponsors to be photo blogs and shops looking to get more exposure, shops that sell actions, textures and templates for photographers, or businesses that provide services and or products for photographers.
Now, here's what you have all been waiting for... this months photo. This is from a recent portrait session with a very busy little girl. This photo has the potential to be so much more than it already is. I can't wait to see how you guys rise to the challenge!
Here are the details:
- When you link up, please use your edited photo as the thumbnail! (NOTE: We will not have photo thumbnails this month)
- Link directly to your blog post or flickr photo for the challenge. All other links will be deleted.
- Don't forget so share your editing steps, or some tips and tricks so we can learn from each other!
- Don't forget to use the #editmechallenge hashtag when you share your posts on Twitter.
- The linky will open at the time of the post on Tuesday, April 2nd and end April 30th.
- Don't forget to visit the other participants, and leave some comment love! As usual, the more you participate the more feedback you will get!